Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things are looking up

I am coming out of my funk. Praise the Lord! Things are going smoothly with my mother in love too, and for that I am so grateful. In my mind I have played out all sorts of senarios, but I am thankful none of them come forth to be true.

Starting Tuesday I am going to be back to hitting the gym on a daily basis. I do love going, and we are going to make it work! My family is on board, so that is a bonus.

Stay tuned for more details on our challenge that begins Wed!


  1. Woohoo, I am glad you're feeling better! I can't wait for April 1st, I'm so ready!!! (Shrieks with glee)

  2. Mother in love... had to re-read a few times, thought maybe you're talking about a Mother-In-Law... sounds exciting though scary - love always is isn't it?

    Anyway, Way to go with the gym commitment! I'm doing the same thing, except at my home, every day at 1pm... haven't figured out what to do about weekends yet because I DON'T work out in front of anyone... even fam. Long bike rides with the kids maybe, but they can be slow, and want to quit early... hmmm... Anyway, thanks for the comments and inspiration. I'm working on posting my two week menu (I usually sit down on Tuesdays and plan for one week, so two will take a bit of extra time) and I'm getting excited for my new day of weigh-ins - I'm used to Fridays, and Wednesdays will be fresh and exciting! Can't wait :) Thanks


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