Thursday, June 25, 2009

Think Ahead Thursday

Yep! That's right! It's think ahead thursday! Now, I know what your thinking.."She's probably talking about getting things done before the weekend", and usually I would agree with that statement. But not today! Oh no, my friends, today is a total different "think ahead" situation.

Here is south east Texas, we are literally having the driest and hottest June on record. Temps this week have risen into the 104's, with a heat index of over 110. Shew! Talk about sweltering! Let me tell you ~ no matter how cool you think your house is, it is going to feel much different come 3:00 in the afternoon! So, to try to beat the heat (pun intended), it is only 9:00am and I have dinner cooked for tonight ( ready to be reheated quickly in the microwave), laundry done, and the fans on high! We will also be beating that heat in the swimming pool and enjoying shade under the tree. Cool lemonade and sweet tea is ready for the taking. It may be summer, but that doesn't mean that it's wise to leave these important things for the last minute. But it is also a good reason to keep those popsicles and ice cream sandwhiches ready for the partaking of your children!

So, what are you doing for "Think Ahead Thursday"? I would love to hear your thoughts and idea, so leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is hot! It's raining here today. I hope our weather improves as I am thinking ahead about our weekend camping trip and all of the things to get ready.


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