Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gag 1.2

Day two! Onward forward we go! This morning, my scale was actually up 1/2 a pound but considering I celebrated my birthday with food ....I so get it! LOL But today I am back to the basics. I have too many new food intolerances that are coming up, and believe it or not my immune system has been effected because of it. Who knew? Who knew that maybe my allergies WEREN"T seasonally related but more like food related? So strange!

Anyway, I had a mighty powerful breakfast this morning! ( I will start doing daily food pics starting tomorrow!) I made 3 eggs scrambled then topped with a mexi blend cheese and 2 tBS of HOT picante sauce. YUMM YUMM! I was so happy. My tummy was so happy! I can almost hear it singing Hallejuiah! LOL Can you hear it??

Lunch today will be three hot dog wieners on the go! But dinner.. OH MY LOVELY DINNER! I will have porkchops, salad, and cheese! YUM! YUM!

My motivation and inpsiration today; My kids! We walked to school today and it felt so good! It was a bit cooler outside, but it won't last very long just yet. :) I am so proud of my kids, I have to have the BEST kids in the world, even on a bad day! I heard of a story this morning of a 3 year old who was beaten to death, and it literally broke my heart. I guess working with kids this age, I just don't get how someone can deliberately hurt them.

Anyway, taking the afternoon off from the gym. I need to hit Walmart to pick up a few things ( for me food wise) and I need to catch back up at home. ALSO... I need to sit and work on breaking our GAG group up into teams, so it isn't so overwhelming to hit everyone's blogs to encourage and uplift! What a wonderful groupo we have this time! I am so excited to see such kindness, and blessings already being bestowed!


  1. your breakfast and dinner sound amazing, your lunch sounds about like mine! i haven't told you yet, but that you so so much for putting together the challenge. I'm sure its a lot of work, but please know that it is greatly appreciated!

  2. You're pictures are so cute - your hair especially, SO CUTE! I love it!

    I wanted to address my weigh-in for GAG Sheila. I spiked up to 148 for about 4 days in a row, but now I'm back down to 145.5 (same as weigh-in last week) so wondering if I should start it at 145.5, just to be fair. I don't really think I gained/lost 3 whole pounds just for day 1! That's unlikely. And I don't want to be seen as cheating, so please can you adjust my day 1 weight as 145.5. Thank you! For everything, thank you.

  3. Yummm, pork chops. Wish my son would eat them, the only time I get them is if we eat out at a steak house...that's a bad idea for the next couple months :D

    Once again, thank you so much for the challenge, and I am proud to be on your team!

  4. What kind of food intolerance do you have. Both of my kids are casein and soy intolerant. It has made cooking the last 4 years interesting.


  5. Sounds like you're doing it right.... diet and exercise and taking it one day at a time enjoying the blessings God is giving you! :O)

  6. Sounds like you're doing it right.... diet and exercise and taking it one day at a time enjoying the blessings God is giving you! :O)

  7. You are doing an awesome job so far with this challenge! THANK YOU! Oh yeah and go our TEAM DASHER! Woo!


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