Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Best Is Yet To Come

I am just logging on to share with you a few thoughts, and then I am off to get things ready for the week ahead.

I had a Holy Experience at church this morning, and I haven't yet figured out what the heck really happened. I am still just in AWE of God and how he chooses to move in the lives of those who seek his face and I am honored that He loves me enough to grab me the way He does sometimes.

I have come to a decision though, and it is going to be tough to share, let alone follow through with but I feel a big urging to do this and I am just going to walk in faith that it is the right thing to do. I am going to be withholding the sharing of my health journey for a while. This needs to be a personal thing for me, and there is so much I need to continue to process that is best done behind closed doors. I am a very open person, and withdrawing like this is going to be hard for me, but a step that I truly need to embrace. Many of you have found my blog through my journey, through weight loss challenges or just word of mouth from some in the weight loss blogging community. I thank you profusely for your complete support in this area of my life. If you have been around long enough you have seen me transform before your very eyes, and again thank you for lending me your ear.

I do invite you to hang out there though, because I have a feeling by taking this part of my life and  making it private, I can share more of the other things in my life that really mean so much more to me then my weight. You will begin to read more devotions, family moments, and funny little "Quotes of the day" from either the classroom, or the halls in my own home. I am putting my passion for blogging back into my life ~ not just the weight loss stuff. I long to share my life with you, the little things that make me unique, the things that God speaks to me and encourages me to share with His people.

I completely understand however, if you do not care to follow my blog anymore. I get it. If I am following your blog, you can bet it's because I care more about YOU then your weight loss journey ~ in other words your weight loss news is not the only reason I stop by. You have become like family to me, and I dont' want you to think I will no longer be there to support your journey. I fully do! And I do not look against anyone sharing their journey, because I wouldn't have made it as far as I did without blogging, and the support I got from doing so.

I pray you all have a blessed Sunday evening with your families and the remnants of your time in worship hang on to put a big hug around you as you complete your day.


1 comment:

  1. I'll follow your journey no matter what you choose to share. (((hugs))) Great to hear how God in moving in the lives of my sisters.


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