Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not of this world Wednesday: A Child's Value and Worth

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 NIV
This is a good time of year to be reminded that we are NOT of this world! Summer. In Summer comes vacations, outings, swimsuits, free time, among other things. But, today I am not talking about that. See, this time of the summer many parents are out there gathering things for back to school. I have heard some hefty conversations from dressing rooms that go a bit like this:

Daughter: "I don't like these"
Mother: "Well, they look good on you."
Daughter: "But I don't like them."
Mother: "Do you want your friends to like you?"

Why must we teach our children that our outward appearance will either gain us or lose us friends? Why must we teach our children that we must keep up with the fashion trends to be accepted and appreciated? Why must we teach our children that popularity is a thing to be gained?

Having a teenage daughter in our home has taught me many things.

1.) Our daughters need to learn their value OUTSIDE and AWAY from their physical attributes.Why? Because if not, then they will continually be seeking out acceptance and appreciation from their outward appearance. I personally know this, because now (at almost 40) I can now see that my value and worth have NOTHING to do with how I look.

2.) Looking to the world in fashion trends .... is leading our girls into a life of selling themselves short. And I mean that in ever sense of the word. Instead of encouraging our girls to be individuals they should just line up and take what is being thrown at them.... and that is NOT okay!

3.) Setting the boundary in your home of "acceptance by outward appearance" means that things only need to look good. It can "look' clean and be okay. Sometimes clean .... is not even noticed! Take a kitchen. You can clear off the counters, and sweep but is your kitchen clean? NOPE! Did you disinfect the counter tops? Mop the floor? Sometimes looking good is far from being good.

Teach your children to begin to value who they are as a person, as an individual. They are not a robot. They are not made from cookie cutters. They are a gift! They are unique! They are hand crafted!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14 NIV


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