Monday, January 8, 2018

Menu Plan Monday: January 8-14

Happy Monday! I know... I know.. .it's tough. But really let's get excited about Mondays again! I for one can say that Monday are one of my favorite days of the week, and if you have been here long enough you already know that. I kinda got in a slump there for a few weeks but I think it was because I am still adjusting to NOT having to spread so much energy out like when I was teaching. The Holidays were pretty amazing knowing I was solely really only having to focus on my own family and friends let alone a classroom full of kiddos, crafts, programs, etc. It was quite liberating actually! But all that is done and over, and it's time to get moving forward! Welcome to January! :) Even though we are starting our full second week today, for many it's a "get back into the swing of things" week. My own kids are returning to school today, so life goes back to normal for everyone. 

As in the past when I participated in Menu Plan Monday's over at, I will share what I serve for Breakfast and Supper every night, since the teens eat lunch at school and I often just pack leftovers and other things in the husband's lunch. If I have a recipe for any of the things listed below I will link them up. If not, I will put it on my list of recipes to share whether it be here on the blog or on YouTube.

B: Chocolate Chip Muffins & Milk
D: Creamy Chicken Enchiladas, yellow rice, beans, salad, chips & Salsa
Dessert: Chocolate Cake

B: Breakfast Sanwhiches
D: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Corn, Biscuits
Dessert: Peanut  Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies & Milk


B: Pancakes
D: Italian Stallion Stromboli & Chips
Dessert: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies & Milk
B: Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit, Milk
D: Turkey Sloppy Joes, Chips
Dessert: Chocolate Pudding Parfaits

B: Cereal & Toast
D: Chicken Parm Roll Ups, Cheesy Garlic Bread sticks, Marinara for dipping, veggie tray
Dessert: Cookies & Milk

B: Biscuits & Country Sausage Gravy, Eggs
D: Take out

B: Eggs, Bacon, Hash-browns, Toast
D: Grilled Steak, Creamy Crawfish Pasta, Garlic Bread Croustini, Sauted Green Beans
Dessert: Birthday Dessert for Joel 

As you can see on Sunday we will be celebrating my husband's birthday and Saturday I pretty much left untouched because at this point I honestly am not sure of any plans that we have or might have for that day. We usually have ONE takeout day a week at least every other week so I will just let someone else cook dinner that night. I hope you have a fun and tasty week this week! If you would like to join in Menu Plan Monday or just see a whole slew of other menus, hop on over to and see this weeks' round up! 

If your new around here and you missed the post from over the weekend about a FREE six week workshop on becoming a "Goal Slayer".... check it out here:

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