Friday, September 24, 2010

Walking in trust

I didn't post yesterday's food log, not that it matters! LOL

Thursday September 23, 2010
Coffee: 1 cup w/ 2 splendas and 1 TBS cream
Breakfast: 2 waffles w/ 1 tbs peanut butter, 1 tbs strawberry jelly (made into a Good morning PB&J)
Lunch: chicken salad sandwhich (on a Sandwhich thin rounds), small package of BBQ Chips
Snack: 1/4 cup Scarecrow mix
Dinner: 1 cup chicken and rice, 6 crackers

Snack: 1/4 cup Scarecrow mix (Thank goodness it's almost gone! LOL)

Yesteday I took the kids to the park and began walking. I walked two laps which is 1/2 a mile. Then we began playing tag, and swinging! It was a good break in the afternoon before we came home and got back to buisiness. Last night we were up until almost 10 with an AC repair guy. Yep. Our Motor in the unit outside was going out, and had to be replaced. I know if you do not live in Texas you may not understand that we still may use our AC all the way into November if not later. Heck, I remember wearing shorts on several Christmas Day's celebrations.

This was the second event that has happened this week, that I totally remained calm inside. Usually I would get anxious and feel totally out of control. All I can say it is truly a God thing. HE is growing me in a way that I have never experienced. I guess trusting that all would be okay, and that He will always provide, I just don't have to worry like I used to. In fact, I think I used to be addicted to worrying.

All righty folks. I have to jet out of here. If I am not back this afternoon, I will see you beautiful people tomorrow.
Love in Christ,
Mrs. Sheila
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the peace He gave during your stress yesterday and for the great work He is doing in you.


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