Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I pose a challenge!

Again Mrs. Roni inspired me this morning, so I am here to pose a challenge to you. No, it's not a part of the Exposed movement, and I don't know if I have enough courage to share every single flaw in my body. I don't want to focus on those things anymore. Seriously! I do however want to focus on the things about me, that I never give credit for!

My challenge to you today, and to myself is to find out what YOUR thankful for about your body, and where it has gotten you thus far! As those of us who have been losing weight for a while, or have made weight loss a part of our lives for so long, it's time to stop and focus on where you are in this journey. Runners are told never look back or you may not finish the race. BUT I am telling you today to look back. Where has your body been? What have you learned through this process? Where are you willing to go?

I am going to take time to ponder this very question myself, because I don't want to post something just to post it. I may not be able to give my reply to this today, or it may even take me a week. I need to evaluate things not just answer it emotionally. If you are going to join me in this challenge, post a comment! I would love to stop by your blog and read your story!

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Sheila
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

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