Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday catch up.

I really love this time of year! It is cool in the mornings, yet warm in the afternoons. PERFECT weather here in South East Texas! Too cool really to head down to the beach, but so fun to be outside playing in the yard, or just enjoying the fall smells already. I think we are actually going to have an Autumn season.

Remember when I made my "Autumn Bucket List"? Well, I have to remove an item off of it that I really wanted to embrace. My Harvest Party. All of our friends have plans that weekend, and there really isn't another good time to do it. BUT.. I am okay with that. My weekends are now being occupied a bit by a little challenge I put out there for some of my weight loss friends. Love it!

My husband is off today, so we are having a family day! I love him, and miss him so much being a part of all the parenting and simple fun around here! :) I am so thankful I am NOT a single parent. I would be stressed to the max. My husband and I are such a good "team" even in our "off moments" which I am blessed to say haven't been around too much lately. All couples have those moments, but they have helped us grow as a couple and I am thankful we were mature enough to take those moments, and allow our relationship to be stretched instead of demolished. Too much of that going around and sorry, but I see divorce as the easy way out. If there is abuse in the marriage or infidelity ~ then yes. But just because you can't seem to get along ~ sounds to me like someone needs to grow up in the situation not out.

I just wanted to hop in and chat for a second. Feeling well! Feeling blessed! Feeling Inspired. I don't know what it is, but I truly feel inspired to embrace each moment of my day. The stressful ones, the lighter ones, the heavy moments, all of it. God is really moving in me. Making me look for Him in all things. I LOVE IT! I am in a place where I am happy where I am, happy with where my life is going, comfortable in my own skin, AND even love the little things.

I am making a ham for dinner tonight! YUM! A REAL meal! lol. I cook all through the week, but lately I havent' been tempted by what I have cooked. I made some taco soup towards the beginning of the week, and that is what I ate several nights in a row. THAT is what felt yummy to me! love it! Just as much as I love chili!

Alright, I am just rambling. Y'all have a blessed Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day!! I'm feeling inspired too. Enjoy your family time and yummo ham!


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