We have to be careful though, because many times we get that "day after" let down. Face it, we have been running on a high to get things just right, and now.... there is nothing left to prepare for. Well... not right away. It is a good reminder to embrace each moment as it happens, and don't just focus on the work ~ or you will always be let down. I am sitting here thankful that I did just that. I enjoyed the moments. IT was nice to sit back and watch the kids open gifts and the smiles that came upon their face. It was nice to clean up the wrapping paper, and sweep through the living room once more before company came over. It was nice smelling the ham baking as I sliced veggies for sandwiches, organized the buffet table, and get out the candles. It was nice having the kitchen clean before, during, and after the dinner was prepped, cooked, consumed.
I sit here this morning, knowing that with the biggest holiday behind us, there is so much left to do before we return to "normal". Thankful that I still have 12 more days of vacation!
Next up?! New years! I LOVE starting a new year, and usually I have goals in place. I am in the process of working on that, with a desire to achieve them all. I do also plan on sharing those here, with a GRAND of a post! I am of course waiting on seeing how this year ends before being able to complete that list! <3 p="p">
Then, the hubsters birthday. He tends to always get jipped of a birthday celebration but this year I think I will make a big deal about his birthday! Why? Well, because of said "waiting on how the year ends" and ..... he deserves to not be "overlooked". The last few years he had spent his birthday on a deer hunting trip. His absolute thrill! But, it also meant he wasn't home on his birthday, and we had to have a post celebration. This year? His birthday is on a Monday, so maybe a gathering with friends on that Sunday, and then a special dinner on his day. A double celebration!
Well, the list of things to get done is growing, so I need to go tend to those. Today, will be like no other ~ for that I am certain. Today is today! It's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday, and most of all it is NEVER a let down! Today ..... is a gift! I will see it as that and enjoy it just the same.
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