Honest Balance
FALSE balance and unrighteous dealings are extremely offensive and shamefully sinful to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1 Amplified
Oh my word ladies! Today I was awoken with the realization that I must find balance, and soon. I must find a way to honestly balance quiet time with the Lord, preparing my dh for work, tending to three young children, take cae of my home, being available to mentor other Christian women, sew, sing, craft, and .. sowewhere in there find time to enhance my classroom for the upcoming Fall!
I have been working hard in my home this week, and for the most part have found balance between most of these. But it wasn't out of my own works, it was purely from the Lord. HE has given me balance, and direction in each of my days, and I think that is one reason I tend to stay home alot during the summer. It seems during the school year we are going to and fro most of the time, and long for days to spend at home.
Balance in our day starts one place. Time with the Lord. That is one of the biggest struggles for most busy Christian women. We stay TOO busy!! And we put our first love last. If God is not , I repeat NOT first on your priority list, then it is time for you to find balance in your own life.
I will pray for you, if you pray for me!
Dear heavenly Father, Lord lead us to a more balanced life that brings you glory and honor in everything we do. Father remind us of the importance of seeking your will and wisdom for the day as we begin preparing our days. Above all, let the things we do in our home bring you glory and honor. In Jesus name, AMEN.
© 2007 Sheila C. King
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