Monday, August 24, 2009

Looking for a smoother week!

Oh my gracious! Last week was a doozy if you sit back and look at it. Is it possible to become ditzy as you get older?

Let's have a run down of all the things that went wrong could have run smoother:

1. MY FACE! Friday, racing my 10 year old I slammed into the side the of the pool on the bridge of my nose between my eyes. OUCH! It still hurts, and it is still a bit swollen!

2. MY RX's! UGH! I went to the doctor on Thursday, had my welll woman, got some RX's written for some refills of daily meds and then I shoved them in my purse. Well, I cleaned out said purse on Friday, and well.... I think I threw them away! I can't find those boogers anywhere! ~ Sigh~ Is this what happens before you are days a way from turning 36? I hope I dont' get too much slack when I call the doctors office later today.

3.Being LATE! (No, not THAT kind of late! SHEW wipes sweat off brow) One Wednesday a month our choir sings during the Wednesday night prayer meeting. This past Wed was the day. Well our church is in Houston, and I live on the outskirts. It takes me about 30 minuts or so to get there ~ not to shabby. Closeby there is a teacher store that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! I needed a few things for this week to get my room ready and well ~ I thought if I leave early enough I can get there and then get to church and probably still be a bit early. Right? Uhm no! I was 15 minutes late! Not because I dwindled, I ran in that store grabbed what I need like a shopper on black friday and then..... waited behind all the other teachers (since most of the state starts school today) who did the same thing. Then.. STUCK in traffic, all the lights were out and traffic (because we are talking clear lake/houston area)was being directed by some lovely patrol men. SHEW!

What a week! No broken bones, no car troubles, food in the house, everyone well. It was a great week! An adventurous one, and one that make me question my ability to sustain my independance when I am in my 70's, but a GREAT week!
I am off ~ to wake up the kids for the first day of school! Then I can come home tend to some houseblessings before I go to my school for meetings and to begin setting up the classroom! IF you (or your children) are returning to school today, please have a FANTASTIC day! It is almost a new season, even if it doesn't feel like it yet! I LOVE LOVE LOVE changes of seasons!! Ah... long gone are the chlorine filled days, but here come the smell of crayons, pencil lead, and laughter of the children playing after a hard day of school!


  1. Hope this week goes better for you

  2. sounds like a rough week...hopefully this week will be better for you...


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