Thursday, November 26, 2009

24 other bloggers needed!!!

I want to do a 25 days of Christmas kind of blog marathon, and need 24 other bloggers who want to join in! IF you are intrested, please comment below. If you know someone who might be, pass this along! Our topics will include, traditions that are special to our individual families, favorite child hood memory, recipes, and more! NO ONE is counted out from being elligible! WE all have something to share! (if i don't get enough, this will be continued anyway through this blog, one way or another!)

NEED you to comment BEFORE Sunday November 29th, so I can get it all organized!



  1. Sheila Happy Thanksgiving and I think this is a wonderful idea count me.

  2. I think I could handle that! I'm game! =)

  3. Yeah, I have an interesting and unique tradition I'd love to share!

    Also, my template was found at although I think I just got lucky... probably spent an hour searching - there's ways to adjust the code to personalise the template, but I got really lucky in that I found exactly what I wanted. Good luck!

  4. Awesome! I will be contacting all of you this afternoon/ tomorrow morning to set up a "schedule"! :) Love it!


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