Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

What a productive week I have had. LOVE having time off! The amazing thing is lately, when I have had time off I had wasted it. This week was definately a new step in the right direction! It all started off with getting a new hair do, and running a few errands. Cleaning up around the house, trying to rearrange the livingroom, but ending up putting it all back like it was ~ with the exception of the dust bunnies. They hit the dust! LOL Tuesday was full of running back to the store for something to work on the lights outside (Christmas lights), then back home to rake the front yard. I had a sea of yellow, red, and orange, and it needed to be taken care of. Once those were bagged, I came in because a front was coming in and I didn't want to get caught out in the rain. I then proceeded to reorganize the kids room. Wow what a mess. Needless to say by the end of Tuesdeay, I was wiped out. (There were 3 loads of laundry thrown in there too.) Today, was the baking of the sweets for tomorrow's dinner, and putting out the lights. Shew! I am exhausted, and ready for a few relaxing and fun days.

I pray that your Thanksgiving is full of familiy memories, laughter, remembrance, joy, peace, and lots of love.

With Much Love & Gratitude,


  1. Thank you so much for you comment. Meant a great deal to me.

    Happy Thanksgiving! =)

  2. Thank you so much for you comment. Meant a great deal to me.

    Happy Thanksgiving! =)


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