Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday's serenity

One of the most beautiful moments for me today, was when I took the trash out. Sounds exciting right? Well.. let me share my heart, and maybe the next time you take out YOUR trash, you can share in this moment.

I have been in a state of AWE over our trees. Day by day they look more and more like one would imagine they should in Autumn. I tell you ~ they have NEVER showed this much personality this time of year. To top that, our pecan trees which throw a massive amount every year ~ didnt' throw a one. None of them. NADA. Another "wierd" thing, but we are topping up to Hurricane IKE and the damage that was done, or should I say the trauma that occurred obviously not just for us humans. Anyway, I was taking the trash out and just admiring the carpet of yellow that had fallen over night and throughout the morning today. I noticed on my way out the door to church this morning , but it was just awe inspiring. So, I did what any comtemplative woman would do who was loving taking in the little things again does. I sat on my front porch on the steps. When the wind would blow, a shower of yellow fell to the ground and my face couldn't hold back the smile that embraced my face. I was in complete and utter peace, and I knew that this particular moment was definately a gift from above. I sat there in and just prayed a prayer of thansgiving and let the thoughts that had been floating in my head and just gave the simple burdens that I had been feeling lately to Him, where they belong in the first place. It was just a lovely moment, that I am GLAD I took the opportunity that was handed to me this afternoon to embrace what Sunday had in store!

And as any traditional southern woman would do, I prepared a time consuming but yummy meal for my family INCLUDING dessert (which you will see a repeat of tomorrow in my Menu Plan Monday post.) On the menu was Oven BBQ ribs, baked beans, mac n cheese, coleslaw (all homemade by the way), and for dessert was my famous Pumpkin Bars w/ cream cheese frosting. :) It was a good day in the kitchen.  (For the record: I had leftover steak and salad.)

Day 4 of Beautiful You:

3 things I love about me:
1. I love that I can create yummy treats for my family and that they appreciate them just the same.
2. I love that I have an amazing willpower ~ to be able to turn away from those treats. (when I want to)
3. I love the way my shoulder blades are feeling.

2 compliments
1. I told the lady at church who signs us in (kids) that I appreciate that they remember the information needed to check in the kids. It makes us feel loved and welcomed.
2. I smiled big at a toll booth attendant and told her to have a great day, even though her expression and demeanor said otherwise.

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