Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where do I go from here?

I am celebrating today. Why? Because I am back to my all time low weight of 150. Though, I may look like I am already at 135, I am still striving for breaking the 150 mark. So, when I stand on the scale this morning, I was amazed. I was shocked. I was ecstatic! Then... for a brief moment, I began to feel this fear. The fear of never getting past this point. So, I asked myself "Where do I go from here?"

Where do I go from here?

I continue. That's where I go. I put one foot in front of the other, and I continue to move forward. I don't give up on myself, I make GOOD choices, why? Not to get to a goal, but to get to excellence. I push harder, not to burn calories, but to strive for endurance. The kind of endurance that makes me stronger mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, in character and personality. Today is a new day. A new kind of a journey. Well, not a whole NEW journey, just a different trail that I haven't been on before. And I will embrace this trail with joy and excitement! I will admit my first thought was this "Well, now that I am back here, I can cheat today and it won't matter!". Don't worry. I am not doing that. THAT was just a moment of thought. Not one I want. Not anything I really want to participate in. I have self control, and I am not ready for a pitty party today. LOL  So, since I basically lost 6 pounds in less then 2 weeks, I the place I go to from here, is exactly where I have been. ON TRACK! I go the same places, and doing the same things I have been doing. (I even had an unscheduled deviation on Friday ~  one week before the scheduled one. So, maybe my body can handle one a week, though I doubt I will do that to myself.)

My beautiful you update for yesterday and today will be updated on Friday! Yes, a whole five days worth! Then from this point on I will post that on Friday's until the end of the year.

Today is picture day at the preschool, so... that means really it is a bit off schedule day. And honestly.. THAT is okay! But I must go and get ready for the day! See you all tomorrow! May you be blessed beyond your belief today!


  1. You are doing great! I love reading everything you have to say you are a big inspiration to me. Thank you

  2. Awesome job!! You have inspired me to keep going and not tell myself that just because I feel good and the scale looks good.. does not mean that I can cheat. I used to do that a lot way back when! =)

  3. Big congrats on making it to 150. Your endurance is completely inspiring. ♥

  4. Congrats on the low weigh-in!!! I think your lost pounds found their way to me! :(

  5. I have to admit, when I unexpectedly hit my all-time low two weeks ago, I thought that thought "Well, that means I don't have to watch it as much, I'm doing okay, it's okay to cheat a bit" and I unfortunately fed that thought instead of banishing it from my head. That is probably the biggest reason I let myself go off track so badly this last week, and what ultimately lead to my 5lb gain! How embarrassing. *Sigh* oh the power of positive (and negative) thinking. Grab a hold of that thought, and look ahead as you said. Can't WAIT until you get to the 140's! Keep looking up.

  6. @ Chupsie ~ I truly try to live my life to be an inspiration. I know what inspires one person may not inspire another, so I am glad that God has blessed me with one of these personalities that is all over the place! Praying for you in your current situation!

    @ Karla ~ It is so easy to say "oh yay! I am almost there.. so let's ease up a bit". For me sometimes it is a daily fight. One that I knew I wasn't alone in, but not enough of us talk about that kind of a struggle. Honestly when I began losing weight back in 1998 I never realized all the "extra" stuff I would deal with closer to goal then I ever did at my highest weight of 227.5. It's definately a learning experience!

    @ Christine ~ you are pretty amazing yourself! Keep up the great work!

    @ Annie ~ Want some more? LOL Just kidding! YOU my lovely, are doing a fantastic job! I am so stinkin proud of you!

    @ Annalisa ~ THAT is exactly where I don't want to be a week from now. NO WAY! I refuse to allow myself to self sabotage anymore. THAT is worse then being overweight to begin with. It is a very self destructive frame of mind and I can't honestly allow myself to live and relive those actions. Good for you for getting back on track!


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