Saturday, October 30, 2010

Despite what the numbers say ~ I am fantastic!

I had put down Julie Hadden's Fat Chance down for a few weeks, and just recently picked it back up. I am just in awe of her story, her journey, and her faith. Our walk is so similar, yet so very different that it just shows God's awesome power and individuality in our lives. For those of you who may not know, Julie Hadden was one of the final four in Season 4's The Biggest Loser.

Yesterday, I had one of those God moving kind of days from the very first moment my eyes opened. I had the day off, and I had a mission in hand. I knew my day needed to include a trip to the credit union, the bank, the city building to early vote, take the Explorer to get an oil change, and if I felt lucky, a haircut.

By the time I was getting the oil change done, I had only been out for barely over an hour. Wow! I began praying, asking God to direct me in the haircut, and to help ensure I got one that I really liked. Last time I got a haircut, the stylist didn't really cut it like I wanted it, though it looked nice. Unfortunately, it didn't grow out nicely. When I walked in, my usual stylist was in AND not busy! Woohoo! SCORE! I was just on cloud 15 yesterday. As the day pressed forward, I could feel God just surrounding me. It was like He stayed nearby whispering of his loving kindness not just into my ear, but into my entire being. There was a point in my day that God began speaking of my writing project for Nanowrimo and shed some light on something that I was going to have to share ~ because of God's power in it, and his power of forgiveness that He put in me to give out in a situation that forgiveness is not usually discussed. It's going to hurt. It's going to hurt me, some that I love, but as I was almost brought to tears, there was a song on that specifically was used by God to tell me He will be there with me, holding my hand the entire way.

I finally believe that I have gone through the things in my life for a reason, for a purpose, and that it has NOTHING to do with just me. God you are amazing, and I adore you!

I had an eating victory yesterday ~ that I totally give God the glory for. We ordered takeout from our favorite Mexican food restaurant. NEVER in my life have I been able to only eat 1/2 of a entree (Cheese enchiladas for me please), even though I KNEW there was too much food. I had NOT ONE problem last night! I probably ate maybe 1/2 if not a bit less. I did eat a few too many pieces of Halloween candy throughout the day, but NOT ONCE did I feel overstuffed or like I overate. Hallelujah Sweet Jesus I praise YOU!

I also realized how well pleased I am with my body yesterday. I like that I am leaning out and slimming down despite what the scale says. LOL Just another testimony that numbers are not everything! I don't care who tries to argue with me on that issue, I will stand by my belief that man's ideals of what is "perfect" and even "healthy" does not apply to every single body on this universe.

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Sheila
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

P.S. in Nanowrimo they suggest NOT preparing the novel you want to pour your heart into during these very high energized 30 days. They want you to go into with little expectation so that your not busy correcting mistakes. It's not about perfection, but about the process, and I am okay with that. I do have direction though, and it may take me lots longer then the 30 days they give, but I have a feeling this is a healing experience for me, and one that God will use to foster my desire to write. I will either push forward, or choose NOT to pursue this dream.


  1. You go girl!!!! I love what you wrote about man's ideal of beauty. Good for you keeping your portions in check. Wahoo!! Eating victories, victory over food. Amen! (((Hugs)))

  2. I am so looking forward to Nanowrimo! It's my first time. My user name is Allconfused if you want to buddy me! Even though I am doing a fantasy fic I still hope that God's message of forgiveness can shine through.


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