5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7 NIV
I have been trying to apply this very foundational act of worship into my every day life. The littlest of requests that you would assume God is just too busy to worry about, are the ones He tends to answer first and very timely! I am talking little things! Big things! But .... most importantly ALL things! Our twins had a football meeting yesterday which included an 'official' weigh in. One of the boys was not gaining the weight he needed to in order to guarantee that he would not get knocked down from pee wee to Jr peewee. The thoughts of adding weights to his clothes came to mind, but c'mon. We are not cheaters! We are prayer warriors! So, I prayed for favor! I prayed for a miracle! Just before bed on Friday night the little guy weighed and came running out to the living room. "MOM! I just weighed! GUESS WHAT! It was 75.6!" The next morning, there was still the prayer of favor being constantly sung in my spirit, but there had been a bit of anxiety seeping in too. The little guy got dressed, ate breakfast, weighed. 76.8! Are you kidding me?! This was a kid who was not gaining anything for months! We get to the meeting and on their scale .... he weighed 79.6! ~ Praise God! ~ Really! You could NOT wipe the smile off my face! And .. it had NOTHING to do with the fact that the scale had gone up, that the little guy was indeed officially in peewee and not Jr peewee. Yes I was happy for him. It is what he wanted. But for me, the smile was out of JOY that God Almighty heard this Mommy's heart. It was a little thing indeed, but it was a big faith builder! It was like God giving me a great big hug!
This past school year we began to apply this in various situations with the kids and they too became witnesses to the whole concept of trusting God enough to love him, honor him, obey him, and trust him with the concerns of our heart. One child came up to me in tears because his friend took and tore a big leaf that he found on the playground. This little guy was truly heart broken. Right then and there I scooped him up and shared with him that we needed to ask God to bring him a new big leaf, and trust that He will even if it takes a while. And that we would remember to thank him and remember that we prayed for the leaf out of faithfulness. Several weeks later, on a mid morning walk, I hear behind me "Mrs. Sheila!!! God gave me a new leaf!" This little guy ... at the age of 4 ~ was shown prayer works! This little guy was shown that it's okay to pray for those little things, because no matter how little it may be, they are BIG faith builders! In fact, I am more and more convinced that this next school year, our class of threes (who usually are 4 by the end of the year) will indeed get this truth deep within them, and this scripture will be one of our foundational classroom scriptures! We will also be keeping a prayer log ~ where the kids are going to be free to come and ask for prayer for whatever their heart's desire, and we will keep them recorded so that when God does answer them ~ they can begin to develop true faithfulness in God alone. Not man. God!

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