Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday: July 11, 2013

It is already Thursday again, and you know what that means! It's Thankful Thursday! Before I begin I must tell you something! Being grateful for what you have, opens the door to see life in a new way! There are less pity parties, you become appreciative of the little things that are happening around you, and in turn you begin to live a fuller and more enjoyable life. Can I tell you a secret? Your children (and/or grandchildren) become more thankful too. STOP saving the conversations about what your thankful for only for the Thanksgiving table.

1. Healthy children! The twins went to the doctor this week for well child checkups and sports physicals as they will be playing football in a couple of weeks.

2. Friends that become family! Not just the husband and my friends, but the kids too. "The girl" has made a life long friend (which we have prayed for many times throughout the years), and these two girls get along so well! They are like sisters, only being a few weeks apart, yet so much alike.


4. Summer Vacation. We have one more month left. Can I tell you a secret? When the summer ends, I will be ready. I have been able to tackle the areas in our home that had been neglected since we moved in. When summer ends, we are automatically thrown into a crazy schedule, but it's our crazy schedule!

5. The intimate way that God Almighty parents us ~ His children, in ways that we might would parent our own children. I have seen his hand of discipline this week ~ and it is beautiful.

6. Pure joy that comes from putting God first, in every single thing we do. There is a better way to measure 'success' in one's life! Successful or Faithful ~ which are you! ( WOWZERS ~ that is pretty powerful statement for me!)
Photo courtesy: unknown

Those are just a few of the things I have been thankful for this morning! :) Yesterday was a difficult day for me emotionally as I had to come to a crossroads. When I woke up this morning? Rejuvenated, renewed, and overjoyed! Today is a day in the sun! The twins and I are heading with some friends to the wave pool for some summer time fun!


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