Saturday, January 24, 2015

S.O.S: Winter Time Blues

We are in the dead of winter. Complete deadness. I don't know about you but I am so very ready for spring! This weekend.... a weekend I was looking forward to pounding out a few chapters I find myself stuck in the crud of a cold. BLAH!

The weather for the last month can be summed up in three words! Cold. Wet. Gloomy. How about where you are?

But just because it is cold, wet, and gloomy it doesn't mean that you have an excuse to do a whole lot of nothing. In fact, it is just as important now t hat you create an atmosphere that will help with those winter blues.

Make a special dinner, rent a comedy, and allow yourself to enjoy the warmth of being inside. Winter is only a season, and the harshness of it isn't around for a long time ~ just a bit. Instead of fighting it and wishing for what is not, embrace the things that come with it. Raining outside? Good day to get that closet or junk drawer organized. Blustery cold out there? Nice to stay in by the fire and begin organizing your bills and cleaning schedule. Heck, fix you a drink and read a book!

The point is... take advantage of the quiet moments. Take advantage of the slower paced days because we all know when Spring comes we are going to want to be out in that beautiful weather.


1 comment:

  1. For me and my boyfriend, it is usually laying on the floor watching Little House on the Prairie. We bought all the season's a couple years ago, and this winter is our second round through them. I wish our lives, today's world, was a bit more like then. I think I was born to be a Ma


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