Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sweet Word Sunday: Refreshing

Can you already believe that it is February? Oh my goodness this year is already cruising on by but let me tell you for the first time in a while I can say I am embracing each day as the gift it is trying to squeeze the juice completely out of it! That doesn't stop me from being excited for a whole new month! A new set of goals, another chance to make goal oriented choices, and a fresh start!

The word of the day is Refreshing because a new month is always refreshing, just as each new season is. Not on the grand scheme of a brand new year but pretty close.

Refreshing is an adjective. Here are two definitions from the dictionary.

1. serving to refresh or reinvigorate someone. (example to serve a refreshing drink to someone.)
2. welcome or stimulating because new or different. (example: A refreshing change.)
I would like to believe that February is going to bring some refreshing change in our lives both in our personal life and our professional ones. Before I go any further let me share something very important. I know many of my readers, are women who have chosen to stay home instead of work. I get it , and when I am talking about your professional life I am not leaving you out. Your choice to stay home, perhaps home-school even is your profession. Stop selling yourselves short as "I am just a housewife". Lecture over!

One thing is for sure, what you think... will happen. If you begin thinking the months are running into one another, that is indeed is what is going to happen. I think that this past month by taking time daily to write down a gratitude list at least makes me take stock in the things that matter most that are happening around me. Who doesn't want to put something amazing on their gratitude list each and every day? I know I do! I have a spot on my planner that I write in daily, and I LOVE having that one box at the top of each day dedicated to just that. By appreciating the little things in each day for me has helped to embrace each day as I stated above. It helps me to not feel like time is just passing me by.

This month will be refreshing in many ways. At work, February always brings a new sense of "Look what I can do" with the littles in the classroom. In my own health  ~ I am challenged to drink more water this month (dry skin is for the birds) and to get a small daily workout in on the weekdays. In my own professional life I have two books that I am going to read that will further my education on the personal coaching business that I am in the process of creating. And a date night or two with the husband will enhance my personal life.

Do you have plans to be refreshed in February?


1 comment:

  1. I've not made "plans"...maybe that is where I lack. I'm terrible about living in the moment and doing what I want. I do need to make more plans. Plan my workouts, plan my housework, plan my blogging, and plan my free time alone as well as with my boyfriend. But on the Professional side of things... I'm really hoping that the rumor I hear at work is true...because then everyone at work will have a breather, a breath of fresh air... time will tell... :)


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