Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do you need rewnewing?

Do you need renewing? Yeah.. me too. I feel like for the past few days I have been in the wringer and didnt' make the best choices. The amazing thing about this way of eating, is.... all I have to do is wait for the next time my tummy gets hungry and begin again. Guess what?! That is what I am doing.

I did "okay" over the weekend, but didnt' really ever "feel" satisfied. I have had a weird feeling all week, a feeling of just not being myself. I still have a feeling of discontent, yet I can't find where it is coming from. (My husband has been working lots of hours so, perhaps it is just me missing his presence in our home.) So I am refocusing 100% today, listening to my body feeding it whole foods, and . (I am going to spend the next little bit away from sugar on purpose Things like dessert, cookies, cakes, candy.) If I want something like that, I think i will enjoy a yogurt or a piece of fruit. Like I said last week, I have just been pouring in the sugar and it isn't getting any better. I just need to remove it for a little while. Not carbs, just the sugar with no purpose. I want to now save "dessert" for special occasions for the rest of the year. Do I find anything wrong with eating them? Normally no. But I know that *I* am out of control and God does ask us to use the self control that is in our fruits of the Spirit that is within us. One thing I am definitely going to add to my "eating list" are apples. They are in abundance right now, and are so good! (The neat way to enjoy one where you feel like your eating dessert is either dipped into peanut butter or "baked" in the microwave w/ cinnamon and splenda.

I am still having bowel issues, and I need to get that corrected soon. I am hoping by giving up the excess sugar for awhile, and relying on fibrous fruits it will help. TMI I know, but I could use your prayers in this matter, perhaps even your tips!

Anyway, I declare today Tuesday September 21, 2010 a day of renewing! Take some time today to renew your mind in His word. Renew your soul with some soothing music. Renew your senses with a comforting candle and dim lighting. Take a moment to refresh your entire body with a warm bubble bath, and sip on some cool refreshing water.

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Sheila
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

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