Saturday, January 10, 2009

My new fitness schedule

I have been himhawing about giving up my gym membership at 24hour fitness. Now, don't get me wrong, I love working out! I love the recovery period after a good hard workout. I mean really! It is almost as good as sex, and I guess that is because those endorphines are moving and it is such a good stress realease. Yes I do have a treadmill at home, and will continue to use that as well in the evenings, but I really do not have what I need to do the strength training I want to do. And.. I need it! I have some areas that need some toning, and once I do that I know that my body will begin to look it's best.

So, I have decided to ... begin working out at 4am on the days I teach (Monday through Thursday) , then a wee bit later on the days I am off (Friday and Saturday). Sundays, will be either after church or just at home, depending on what is going on, how the kids are behaving and such. I am glad to be back at that place where I want to jump back into both food and exercise with both feet. My computer time really is going to be limited, but it is for the best! If I have a few days where I dont' have an entry, don't get discouraged. I will catch up everything on the weekend, or when I get the first chance. I totally keep track of everything in writing in my paper journal so it isnt' like I wont have it to share. ~Smile~

Anyway, just wanted to share that and to document what I am going to do. I will only be maybe at the gym for like 45 minutes tops at a time ( Mon ~ thurs) and most of it will be strength training. Friday and Saturday I can do most of my cardio AND strength training at the gym, freeing up a little bit of time in the evening. I am at least giving this 100 percent for the rest of this month. That is 20 days! If all is going well I will continue the same scedule for February.


  1. I wish I could join Curves again but my hubby's hours and their hours just don't mix real well.. The gym is just too expensive since my hubby would want a membership as well. So I work out with my Leslie Sansone videos and hopefully soon figure out the gym set my hubby has.. It looks complicated :) It's nice to be accountable for your actions and behavior.. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog... You can do it!!

  2. Sounds like a good plan Sheila. You can do it! I hate Gyms so I have the exercise ball (that is yet to be blown up since the move), the Walk at Home DVD's and my elliptical, I need to do strength training as well, I just don't make time to go to a gym. Hubby wants to get an 'at home' gym eventually.

  3. Wow, awesome determination...getting up at 4am! Lol, I know what you mean about the recovery period:)


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