Tuesday, September 29, 2009


TAKE THAT Tuesday ~ September 29, 2009
Current weight: 151

Goals this week consist of hitting many areas in my life.

1.To get out of the 150's even if it is 149 for the week!
2. NO deviations this week, reserving them for every other week.
3.Compound a few more meals for the family that get them eating along the lines of I. I do eat healthier then anyone I know.
4. To not allow negative comments to effect my journey this week.
5. To create my "vision" board (Tuesday while watching The Biggest Loser) ~ share on blog.

1. Continue hitting those "little" spots that no one see's , that I KNOW need my attention!
2. Finish going through closet to gather clothes to pass on to Josie ~ before Thursday *DONE*

1. Do not use the words "in a minute" one time to my kids this week. Those s hould be counted as dirty words.
2. Study with Kristen her spelling words tonight for test tomorrow, and on Thursday with the twins for their test on Friday.*DONE*
3. Study with Kristen on Wednesday and Thursday for her President and State test on Friday, using the errorless learning method.
4. Make time for just DH and I each and every day even if *gasp* I have to put my "shows" on hold.

1. Plan and prepare Thanksgiving invitations. These should go out on the 24th of October.
2. Begin knitting blue/brown scarf.

1. Tally results and have posted by Thursday at the latest. *DONE*
2. Tally results from the point challenge and post by Thursday at the latst.
3. Prep the weigh in for week 5, and the point challenge for week 6 so they are posted in a timely manner.

For me, having lots to focus on and to keep me busy let alone having it posted to keep me accountable is an amazing thing. I truly LOVE my blog! If I wasnt already married, I might would marry it it is just that cool! LOL

So there you have it. Updated pics, updated weight, and my goals for the week ahead. Have a fantastic day!


  1. You continually amaze me!You have so much on your plate all the time. I want to be like you when I grow up! lol

  2. You look fabulous!

    Sounds like a busy week but you can do it. :)

    Best wishes,

  3. Hey Vixonette,

    Awesome job with the pictures... you look amazing by the way! I need to follow your advice as far as eating and staying on track this week. I have a super busy week next week that is going to consist of 3 lunches, 4 dinners and maybe a brunch. All eaten out!


  4. On your newest post you mentioned "Am I really skinny?" YEah, and these are the pictures to prove it darlin!

    I too have hit a similar weird kinda slum... but this time I have realized it is okay because I'm not really fat like I was before. My BMI is higher side of good. Not "seriously overweight" like before. I am taking it as a maintenence kind of time, and enjoying it. NOT for too long though... just a couple weeks (over starting Monday). Then I'm back on board. Good luck Sheila. You're doing great.

  5. On your newest post you mentioned "Am I really skinny?" YEah, and these are the pictures to prove it darlin!

    I too have hit a similar weird kinda slum... but this time I have realized it is okay because I'm not really fat like I was before. My BMI is higher side of good. Not "seriously overweight" like before. I am taking it as a maintenence kind of time, and enjoying it. NOT for too long though... just a couple weeks (over starting Monday). Then I'm back on board. Good luck Sheila. You're doing great.


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