Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The simple things

It's the simple things in life that bring a smile to my face.

  • A cool breeze on a warm Autumn day.
  • The quick stolen hug from a runby three year old, when I am having a rough day at school.
  • A child's giggle.
  • A cup of coffee and fresh banana bread in the morning.
  • Soft music in the background.
  • "mommy will you play with me" coming from both the eight year old boys and the 11 year old girl who is just not ready to let go of "playing" just yet.
  • Scripture that peirces the heart.
  • Time in prayer.
  • The sound of my Momma's voice after not hearing it for a few days.
  • The crinkle by my husband's eyes when he smiles.
  • The heart laugh of my sister in law, who really has overwhelming burdens that would send most of us to the ground in tears, yet she stands tall and strong.
  • Hearing children playing on the playground and enjoying the beauty God created.
  • Teh sound of the ocean pounding the sand at the beach.
  • The cool water in the swimming pool, and a quick game of pool tag.
  • The way the leaves dance on the pavement on a windy Autumn Day.
  • The warmth of a soft blanket on a cool night.
  • Hot chocolate simply because you can.
  • God's word permeating my soul.
  • Gathering in prayer and worship with my fellow Christians.
  • The smell of charcoal  getting fired up for a family BBQ.
  • Looking around at generations of families when we get together.
  • The smell coming from the ktichen when I am preparing a feast, or a simple cookie.

There are so many of these I could keep going on and on. But today starts a new year for me. I am officially 37. (In my upper 30's *gasp*) I am really not effected by that number because I feel young and vibrant. And this last month I have added some time to my life simply by letting go of things that are NOT simple. For the next 365 days, I want to look at the simple things in my life that I appreciate! I am learning more and more those are the things that mean the most to me. Sure I am a techy junkie, but amazingly ~ I am about to let go of those things because the simple things is what I feel so good in. Heart, mind, body AND soul. My husband has worked nights the last two nights. When he left, the tv went off. And really it wasn't turned on until he turned it on when he woke up. So it was on for a whole two hours tops. He and the boys have a "date" to watch something that we DVR from Monday night , on Tuesday. Usually they have to wait for Dad to come home from work, but yesterday they simply just had to wait a bit for him to wake up. ~Smile~ . For me lately it just wreaks of noise that bothers me.  I would rather have soothing music in the background to evoke a peaceful feeling in our home. Maybe it's age, or maturity or something I just haven't embraced before. But I want the simple life back. Family time ~ not all of us thrown in different rooms all the time. Playing games, talking, disucssing our day. And it's coming! It's coming my friends!!



  1. Sheila, thanks for stopping by and joining my new blog... my journey to happiness. It makes me smile when I see your comments and words of encouragement on my posts. Thank You for being an inspiration to me!

  2. Beautiful. Well written. Can't wait for the book :) Whatever genre you decide. Have to comment about the TV noise thing - I agree! When the TV goes off, it's like a calm, peaceful atmosphere is able to thrive again - something that isn't possible with TV noise. Music. So powerful. No wonder it's God's choice of worship - and angels, and David... etc etc... I feel so blessed to live in an era where "Christian" music is so varied, so boundary-less... so many styles to chose from. Thank God. Bless you.


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