Thursday, July 2, 2009

A breakthrough like no other

Though I cant' share all the details of my breakthrough as I would like to at this point, but I would like for you to reference a date. July 21, 22, and 23. I have gotten used to blogging daily, and some of you have said you have gotten used to that as well. Those three days I will be out of town enjoying some amazing fellowship with my co teachers at a yearly teaching convention we attend out of the area. I will NOT have access to blogger, face book, or much else unless I use my phone. I don't like blogging from my phone, so I have planned to share my latest challenge with you that I am currently dealing in. So on those days note that there will be some blog posts ( all written ahead of time) that will explain part of my breakthrough.

BUT... it is only part. I am now in a clear mind of thinking that I literally haven't had for months on end. Like since the end of December 2008. Yep six months of cloudy thinking, moody emotions, and so much more I would not like to even disclose! But today ~ BREAKTHROUGH!! I am so excited and literally walking on a cloud, beyond the number 9!

I have realized how BLESSED my dh and I are. We have three amazing kids that have hearts that are HUNGRY for God! I couldn't want anything else for them. I don't care about their grades, though they do matter. I don't care about their friends, but they do matter. What I care most about, is their heart. A heart geared towards God above all else, is something that not only will get them to live their life full of passion and purpose, but blessings will be poured out onto them forever! I realized how honored I am to be a wife to such an amazingly hard working man who only wants to love and take care of his family. THAT is truly his only motive! God has given me so many abilities to share his goodness, his love, his mercy, and his favor onto people who may never even think of giving God a second glance.

Breakthrough in relationships! I have let a few go, and by doing so, I am amazed at the friendships that He has given birth to once again! People in my life who LOVE me for all my quirks not just what they can benefit from! Friends who have been with me in High school ~ during that awkward and tough time. Friends who have I have known as long as my husband, who have watched me grow from a very selfish and flippant young lady to the woman God has created me to be today. :) I am still working on a few family relationships that really need tons of nurturing in ways that only God can do. I can't, they can't. Only Him.

Breakthrough in my health! I have had a Major breakthrough on my mental state. For six months, as I spoke of I basically walked in a tunnel, barely treading above water just to stay alive. Not one but many helped to pull me down until the suction from that painful negativity so much so I just about lost all I was, all I had worked for, all that God has given me. Why? Because of trying to please everyone and being afraid to stand up for what is right. No longer can I do that. No longer will I.

Breakthrough in my dreams and goals. I am excited. I am definitely putting it out there and telling all who are reading this, I WILL have my first manuscript for a novel written BEFORE December 31st of this year. IF you think of me during your day, please pray for clear direction, and creative genius to get across all that God wants me to! I have so many story lines I really need clarity right now. Also, please, ask me! Ask how it is going! I need someone to hold me accountable!

I am blessed, and tonight, when bedtime comes, and after I said my prayers, I will lay my head on the pillow and be forever grateful for my life.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing woman. I will be praying for your new book, and I am very excited about your breakthrough. Although I've never known anything but the cloudy Sheila, I always knew you were amazing and I believe you are greater than you know. Good luck babe!


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