Saturday, November 13, 2010

One minute makes a difference

In a single moment our lives were changed. In a single moment ALL of our lives are changed. If we truly take a moment and really ponder the inportance of a minute, we will understand how much we take for granted.

This is a learning season for me. While I am honestly still overwhelmed by the death of my sister, I am moved in the same manner. If something were to happen to me, would my loved ones know without a shadow of a doubt that I indeed love them, and that I know they love me? Would my husband know what to do? It just brings up a whole lot of things within me that I need to share with myself, with you, with those I love.

While I have been fighting to take back my life, my health I have also been destroying myself day by day. See I was diagnosed with Hashimotos disease when I was 19. Otherwise known to you as hypothyroidism (or underactive thyroid). I have never taken it seriously. I have never taken my meds like I should. But you can believe I am now. Seeing the effects that can occur by NOT treating this disease, is heart wrenching and I can be selfish no more.

But in the same sense knowing my own husband is not caring for his body appropriately, I am very stricken with panic because I can't imagine losing him too. How do you tell the one you love your worried about his health to the point of death?

Eating has been good this week.

Love in Christ,
Mrs. Sheila
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

1 comment:

  1. I am sad and so sorry for your loss. I feel certain our loved ones would know we loved them and where we are going. I know how it feels to worry about loved ones who are not in the best physical shape. Love you girl (((hugs)))


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